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Re: [microsound] mutek 2002/ re: [microsound] Further (rambling)

On 07/06/02 13:00, Øivind Idsø said in living color:

> Guillaume Grenier wrote:
>> Your attitude towards music and learning seems to be very different from
>> mine; perhaps that counts among the underlying reasons why I didn't really
>> connect to your music...
> Wow. That´s rather arrogant. You seem to imply that "learning" about music has
> to come from the classical, formalized language of classic, formalized music.

Wooaaahhh!!! Wait a minute.

I did not imply that *at all*.

What I meant is exactly what I wrote: my attitude towards music and learning
seems to be very different from his.  Nothing more, nothing less... Just a
neutral observation.

Now, my English skills are far from being fautless, but I don't see how you
got what you said from what I wrote.

To reintegrate some more context into this, here is what Stephan wrote and
to which I replied:

"i never knew what a counterpoint is and honestly i never wanted to know,
even more i avoided to learn a lot of things because i believe very much in
a development coming from ones self, making your own rules or more finding
your own way of doing, seeing, expiriencing things."

For further precision, my comment was especially directed to this portion:

"i avoided to learn a lot of things because i believe very much in
a development coming from ones self"

Then, insert my comment.

> I´d have to disagree, even strongly, and perhaps Stephan would, too. Perhaps
> some of us feel that talking about music in terms of "counterpoint" and
> "adagio" is rather limited.

Of course. I would share the feeling. (This hasn't much to do with writing
paradigms or tempo indications, anyway... See above paragraphs.)

> You don´t have to agree, but you don´t have to make snide comments, either.
> That isn´t really about learning, me thinks.

Absolutely *no* "snidity" was intended. It deeply hurts me to see that my
comment would be interpreted in such a way. If that's how everybody
interpreted it, I express my most sincere apologies. But, again, reading the
sentence repeatedly, I find there's absolutely no demeaning undercurrent to
the words.



Guillaume Grenier - gollum@xxxxxxxxxxxx

in space there is no north  in space there is no south
in space there is no east   in space there is no west