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Engaging or Superficial?
Christopher @ Fallt sent the following to Toby @ The Guardian this morning
at 11.17.44 GMT
Dear Toby,
I was happy to see you including a link to www.lowercasesound.com
as our designers Fehler designed it and, as they say, there's no such thing
as bad publicity.
Unfortunately I found your article 'The Sound of Silence' to be almost as
vacuous as the Zen koan you quoted. I wonder, did you engage your brain at
all while writing it or did you just drop neatly into cynical journalist
mode? It's a pity, because the Guardian is normally characterised by
thoughtful and incisive criticism, neither of which qualities your article
It's very easy to shout from the sidelines, "But it's not art!"; it's
slightly more difficult to argue why it's not art and criticise in
a meaningful and constructive way. You might want to give the latter
course a try some time, you may find people take you more seriously
as a result.
Take care,
Christopher @ Fallt
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