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Re: [microsound] Recording Sounds

i use an audio technica ATR-25 cheap-ass stereo condenser mic with my
minidisc.  it sounds pretty champ, and it's been quite rugged for me,

it was $25 on sale at goodguys, i think they list at $60.

it's a mid/side configuration mic, so there's a capsule directly on the
top of it which picks up very strong, close up.

diane, i'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies

---- "Christian Aeschliman" <ozwanderlust@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello folks
> I just made some very interesting recordings of body sounds ... percussive
> ones ... humming ... knuckles cracking, and all that stuff.  It was
> a lot of
> trouble getting a quiet environment and dealing with all the background
> and
> computer noise though.
> But I have a Minidisc player that I'm going to use instead from now
> on.
> What kind of microphones do you recommend for getting noises up close?
>  Can
> I find a decent quality one for cheap (hopefully very cheap) here in
> the
> USA?
> Also ... what do others use to make field recordings and what-not besides
> DATs and Minidiscs ... are there any hard disk devices out there that
> you
> all have had experience with?
> -Christian
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