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Re: performing in Humboldt County

What is OVNI? I feel like I am out of loop on this but, a Google search didn't reveal anything that appeared to be relevant.


David Fodel writes:

I'd just like to chime in here and add that Rhett has done an incredible job
pulling together a lot of resources and making OVNI feel more than welcome
up in Humboldt. Very professional handling of promotion, accomodations, and
communications. We are looking forward to our time there.

I would encourage performing artists on the list to contact Rhett and look
into this opportunity.

David Fodel
Publishing Systems Manager
Wild Oats Markets
3375 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
Direct: 720-562-4831
Fax: 303-938-8474

From: Rhett
Reply To: microsound
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 12:22 AM
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] performing in Humboldt County

Are there any microsound artists in the San Francisco area who would like
take a little vacation and come up to Humboldt County (six hours north) to
perform. I would like to promote a show for the end of July so the sooner
hear from you the better. We will take very good care of you and it will
a lot of fun. If video is part of your show that is a definite plus,
especially since this wiil be a follow up to the OVNI show.

If I get enough response I will orgianize a mini festival for August or


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