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Re: [microsound] what are you listening to and on?
Answers to Questions 1, 2 & 3
Before work I walk my dog. I listen to music on my iPod with a pair of Sony
MDR-EX70SL in-ear bud headphones.
On my drive to work I listen to CD's in my Car on Boston Acoustic Pro Series
front and rear speakers, a 15" subwoofer and Rockford Fosgate tweeters.
While at work I tune in to StaticBeats web radio @ 56k MP3 on Some Roland
MA-8 speakers
When I return from work I listen to either the StaticBeats web radio, a CD
from my stereo - an old AKAI amplifier I picked up from a thrift shop, or
some recently purchased vinyl on a Technics 1200 with some Seinheiser
headphones (model number? dunno, they cost $120)
When I go to sleep I listen to CD's on a Yamaha Stereo with some Mission
speakers from a Bose system.
Music is life and most of mine is spent listening...
http://www.staticbeats.com | Electronic Music > Digital Culture
> #1) What do you find yourself listening to more often
> a) CD's
> b) mp3's
> c) other non-compressed computer file
> d) DVD, SACD or other high end format
> e) none of the above.
> #2) What do you usually listen on...
> a) computer built in speakers
> b) external computer speakers
> c) headphones
> d) home audio system
> e) studio audio system
> #3) While you're listening to microsound...
> a) you're working on the computer
> b) you're doing some other work
> c) you're at a club/venue
> d) you're working out at the gym
> e) you're just listening to the music
> --