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Re: [microsound] what are you listening to and on?
> #1) What do you find yourself listening to more
> often
> a) CD's - yes
> b) mp3's - lately much more than cds
> #2) What do you usually listen on...
> b) external computer speakers
> d) home audio system
> c) headphones - maybe some very quiet music that i
like. i'll try to listen zelle album nth on
headphones, although this album sounds good on
speakers, but with volume twice higher that all other
music i've heard. it's really very very quiet, but
> #3) While you're listening to microsound...
> a) you're working on the computer
> b) you're doing some other work - like studying
> e) you're just listening to the music - really
depends on the music. there are some musics that you
can listen all day on repeat, like vladislav delay,
which is more environmental oriented music. but i
wouldn't do that with twine album 'recorder', although
this album is great too.
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