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RE: [microsound] post digital

>  "post-digital" for me, connotes something of a
> relationship more in line
> with an "after the honeymoon" situation, where one
> discovers the inherent
> flaws, idiosynchrosies, and quirks in that
> relationship. it also relates to
> the Modernism/Post-Modernism relationship.

I see your point, but I never saw a 'Digitalism'
movement.  Information Age, yes, but that's not
intended to be meant as an artistic movement.  

> Post-digital art explores these regions and their
> aesthetic.

Fair enough, but PostDigitalism seems forced, and
possibly even premature.  I mean, hey, it's sounds
cool, but if anything, this is 'Digitalism', isn't it?
 If we're talking about purely digital musical art
with purely digital distribution, it probably began
with computer music works coming out of universities
on CD in the 80s. 'Glitch' would be just a subgenre. 
Certainly microsound isn't about lack of control - I
can compose down to the length of one sample in a
sample rate.

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