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RE: [microsound] post digital

	Jetro wrote: "This is a
> music that comments about itself.  It's a digital
> music _about_ digital music."

	In much the same way that "post-modernism" comments on
"modernism"... is aware of itself and its history.

	Post-Modernism has not "replaced" Modernism. Nor can it. For one
thing, what would we do with all those buildings? POMO merely acknowledges
Modernism as another "source", to be manipulated and commented on.

	To me "post-digital" implies a similar approach. I have no need for
a purely "digital" aesthetic. Although if anyone has some digital
anasthetic, contact me off-list :)

David Fodel
Publishing Systems Manager
Wild Oats Markets
3375 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
Direct: 720-562-4831
Fax: 303-938-8474

> ----------
> From: 	Jethro
> Reply To: 	microsound
> Sent: 	Friday, June 14, 2002 12:07 PM
> To: 	microsound
> Subject: 	Re: [microsound] post digital
> > Like the concepts of analog or modern or human,
> > digital has not 
> > disappeared and been replaced. 
> Exactly.
> >I personally am more
> > interested in 
> > 'trans' than 'post' or 'meta' right now.
> 'Trans' would imply going from one digital to another,
> but binary is binary.  'Meta', in the sense of one
> degree higher, seems much more complete.  This is a
> music that comments about itself.  It's a digital
> music _about_ digital music.
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