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Re: [microsound] post digital

I personally am more
interested in
'trans' than 'post' or 'meta' right now.

'Trans' would imply going from one digital to another, but binary is binary. 'Meta', in the sense of one degree higher, seems much more complete. This is a music that comments about itself. It's a digital music _about_ digital music.

I wasn't thinking of 'trans-digital'. Maybe 'trans-media' would be better, but I'm not interested in coining a term.
'Trans' implies movement between/away from/to states. 'Meta' is recursive, repetetive, representational.
As far as theory goes, Baudrillard usefully explores many 'transes' in 'The Transparency of Evil'. There are also nice resonances with Deleuze and Guattari's lines of flight and molecularity.
