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Re: [microsound] Brainwaves/EEG based performance or recordings

> I had heard on an NPR interview that Moog was one of the first to try
> that is, create a synthesizer control from brainwaves.  Something to think
> about (no pun intended).

if you go out to your local cutting edge video rental store, you could
probably find "John & Yoko on the Mike Douglas show" - a 5 tape set of them
hosting this talk show in the early 70's. one evening there were two guys
that were doing exactly this : hooking up headbands to john and yoko and
having their brainwaves jam with each other through some sort of modular

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>      Christopher Sorg
>    Multimedia Artist/Instructor
>  The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
>    http://csorg.cjb.net
>      csorg@xxxxxxxxx
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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