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Re: [microsound] [ot] EU ISP's

 i kne w thts why you correcspond in code liek me us decenters have tos be carful always. the snoops alwys get confusd if you leave out many periods it won't be you orme who are on the reciving end of a poulice crackdwn on the microsound list brother.


On Sunday,  30, 2002, at 04:23PM, Neil Wiernik <neil@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>this is a reality and has been since sept 11th for all ISPs some have 
>tried to fight it but most have to do this by law now you could thank the 
>cold war politics as a result of sept 11th and all the craziness that came 
>after it. things might now change globally since backbone isp giannt 
>worldcom is about to disappear as we know it and probally break up into 
>many smaller units all locally owned and operated rather thne all owned by 
>one giant.....so things might be one wahy now but becasue the isp world is 
>sucha fluid one things change all the time and go back and forth. 
>so its always a good idea to post with caution on public message boards 
>as you knew know who might be sniffing packets as the same goes for 
>private email correcspondence but like it has always benn the case if your 
>planning a coup best to meet and speak your words of decent in person to 
>the ears of the reciving end other wise do what you do and deal with the 
>end result. :)
>On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, anechoic wrote:
>> >Last month, the European Union passed a resolution that would require
>> >all ISPs to store for up to seven years e-mail message headers, Web-surfing
>> >histories, chat logs, pager records, phone and fax connections,
>> >passwords,
>> >and more.
>> >
>> >Already, Germany, France, Belgium, and Spain have drafted laws that
>> >comply with the directive.
>> can any of our european members give me a bead on what the law is
>> concerning the european ISP's and email privacy...I have a friend who
>> thinks that the laws that were passed in EU last month have made all euro
>> ISP's into gov't spooks...
>> what's the reality?
>> please put an '[ot]' in the subject header
>> danke!
>> KIM
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