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Re: Headphones/Soundcard recommendations

Hi Jason, for the money, they want for soundblaster crap i would go with a lower latency higher quality M-audio card, like the 24/96 or the one I have and love, the delta 66, on the delta card, I get 8 milliseconds of latency in cubase/reaktor vst, in other words I can play a softsynth and not tell the difference between it and hardware synthesizers. Check out their webpage.


jason martin writes:


I was wondering if anyone on the list had any
recommendations for decent monitor headphones and
soundcards? I have at most £200/$300 to spend on them
both together. At the moment I am heading towards a
pair of grado SR80`s and either a soundblaster live
value or Audigy for the soundcard (PC). I was just
wondering if anyone on the list had any experience
with these or any alternative recommendations within
this price range.

Any comments or recomendations greatly appreciated,


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