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1 : writing material (as a parchment or tablet) used one or more 
times after earlier writing has been erased

2 : something having usually diverse layers or aspects apparent 
beneath the surface

[courtesy http://www.m-w.com]


Like an audio cassette that has been recorded over too many times, a 
palimpsest shows evidence of its past "lives" while the combination 
of those inherent historical artifacts produces something entirely 

The creation of an artistic palimpsest can take on many forms and 
cover a variety of subjects. It may pose more questions than it 
answers. It may be a thing of beauty or a jumbled mess. But it must 
be infused with a sense of history, time and purpose.


Taking definition 1 above as our starting point, Stasis_Space 
announces its first ongoing exhibition. the palimpsest project will 
act as a storage space of digital history, a granular exercise in 
artmaking as much about process as content.


Initially, a series of works will be collected and presented which 
will act as starting points for a series of digital palimpsests. 
These pieces will hopefully include at least one of each of the 

1. Imagery (photographs, paintings, comics)
2. Sound (mp3s)
3. Flash animation/interactivity
4. Digital Video

Our initial exhibition will display these "starting point" pieces. At 
that time, other artists are invited to add on to the source piece of 
their choosing while leaving concrete physical evidence of the 
previous state of the piece. This process will continue gradually 
over time, with subsequent exhibitions of the re-worked pieces taking 
place at various points in the future.

Content suggestions: Although we are leaving the subject matter 
guidelines deliberately vague, works which display a sense of history 
(past or present) are preferred.



To Submit a Proposal:

Please email a proposal (NOT finished work) for your final piece to 
space@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your proposal should include the following:

1. Your name
2. The name of your piece
3. The media of your piece (i.e. mp3, flash file, digital photo/video, etc.)
4. A detailed description of the piece and how it relates to the show's concept

Works in all media suited for presentation over the internet will be 
considered, including (but not limited to): audio, video, flash, 
shockwave applications, digital photography, traditional or digital 
painting, essays or any combination thereof.

All proposals must be received by 31 July 2002. Artists will be 
notified of their acceptance by 9 August 2002.

All accepted work must be received by 6 September 2002. Work received 
after this deadline WILL NOT be eligible for inclusion in the 

Final deliverable work will be accepted either on cd-r via 
conventional mail or preferably, a url to its location online. 
Artists whose work is accepted will receive more details about final 
delivery with their acceptance notification.

For more information and to check out previous exhibitions:


Looking forward to hearing from you,

John Kannenberg
Curator, Stasis_Space