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Steve Roden performance review
Steve Roden live performance review: july 7 2002
Steve Roden performed live today at the Santa Barbara
Contemporary Arts Forum to close his "some
reconstructions of wandering and inner space"
exhibition featuring visual art as well as some audio
and video works. the live setup roden used consisted
of a steel guitar, a small box of screws and nails,
contact mics, some pine cones, minidisc player, 2
delay pedals, a cd player and a mackie mixer.
the set started quietly with some dry sounds of slight
movement inside the box of screws and nails, which
made a beautiful contrast to the aquatic-esque loops
that roden brought up into the mix, the set continued
in classic fluid roden form with other shallow sounds
that im not sure of the origin. roden then took to the
steel guitar with a slide tube with unbelievable
subtlety. steve brought up the volume of the drones he
was generating with the slide tube, occasionally
changing positions on the strings to create a haunting
atmosphere. flowing into the delayed sounds of the
guitar, steve began to use a violin bow on a metal
object. then onto the pine cones which he plucked
quietly at first he then brought up the contact mic
that he had placed under the pine cones. with a slight
hint of rhythm he continued slowly bringing up the
delayed sound that created an amazing creaking
soundscape. Steve then made his way back to the steel
guitar for a very subtle addition to the sounds that
were playing, ending the composition with the dry
tapping of the contact mic with very low level delays.
the audience reacted with great appreciation and
applause that lasted for quite a while.
in brief the set was a wonderful journey of textures,
flowing atmospheres and slow moving loops that never
came across repetitive. this along with roden's visual
art that filled the gallery completed a perfect
performance for any fan of steve roden's work.
for more info on steve roden and his current events
visit http://www.inbetweennoise.com
review by:
po.box 292045 los angeles ca 90029
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