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Re: [microsound] Fw: "China:Imitation Nation"-Salon
> > one result, would be, there would be nothing to
> pirate, the
> > software/hardware would fade away from disuse
> eventually and then
> > the commercialization would return.
> >
one thing to remember about china is that piracy did
not begin as a result of commercial considerations.
because of a strict government monopoly on all media,
there never existed (nor does there now) a legitimate
channel for the purchase of movies, music, etc...
piracy helped break that information stranglehold. for
those of us living in china, bootlegs are the only
option. i personally would prefer to buy legit copies
cos the quality of bootlegs is not high. but the
culture ministry dosent give us a choice.
even if piracy makes all creative output worthless in
the west, it will still thrive in china and other
places were access to information is less than free.
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