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- Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 12:28:45 -0400
- >http: //www.hotmail.com
- >website: http://www.microsound.org
I guess in some regrads, I think microsound is something that has been an
"edge of society" interest or endevor. It seems a fair number of people
working in/under the microsound lablel have worked hard developing tools
that allow them to create sounds and ways of processings sounds that seem to
be having a somewhat influence in more popular music. I'll be honest, I dont
really know alot about hip-hop, but sense I have been involved with
electronic music, I have come to know and learn alot about hip-hop with an
ever increasing interest in elctronic music. When I heard Cannabil Ox my
friends and I heard a strong relationship to that and some other stuff in
the idm ect world.
Yes maybe microsound is alenianating, I dont think of it that way. For me
its more an expression of someones creativity with process. The process by
which these records are made and the stories behind them and the chacters
they build are of most interest.
To me it seems the strongest work tends to have an intersting story and
charater behind the music, thats what breaks the alienation and helps
connect the sounds to the real world. Not to mention the internet. I have so
many new freinds through-out the world based on a single interest (music)
and its great that now one can collaborate or share files so effortlessly.
What ever you use, a guitar, a microphone, a max/msp patch, I think its
positve to just create. We will all be dead soon enough, so who really gives
a fuck? Sure there is alot of shit out there, but I would rather someone
make shitty music than fly a passenger jet into a building.
FUCK hip, just be yourself.
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