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RE: [microsound] Is microsound boring?
another perhaps equally relevant quote may be:
''I believe that we are moving towards a position of using music and
recorded sound with the variety of options that we presently use
colour-we might simply use it to 'tint' the environment, we might use it
'diagrammatically', we might use it to modify our moods in almost
subliminal ways.''
- Brian Eno, 1975
I say eno's quote above is not just about 'ambient' concepts as a genre,
but an observation of an emerging role of sound both in contemporary
aural compositions generally and more so in contemporary usage of those
aural compositions (regardless of intent) by society.
now, composers/writers/creators discussing things often tend to,
historically seem to, focus on 'meaning' or "deciphering" more than
other aspects. but the receiver, the listeners, in this case are not
always looking for, or care about, meaning/"deciphering". microsound,
just a micro-genre of sound, one of the many sonic colors out there, and
that only appeals to certain sub-cultures, but is increasingly being
added as a coloring to more mass/popular colors of sound.
the eno quote is always nagging in the back of my head when we talk
about music now, in contemporary actuality, in its creation and
consumption/usage by listeners/receivers. 27 years ago eno suggested
that the entire context was/has/is changing, swinging, that the role for
aural creations were becoming less relevant as symbolic-object-"cipher"
elements in culture and more relevant as experiential-process elements.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paulo Mouat [mailto:microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 10:14 PM
> To: 'microsound'
> Subject: RE: [microsound] Is microsound boring?
> > From: the.kurtz.quartet [mailto:kurtz@xxxxxxx]
> >
> > much avantgarde fail to communicate.
> But does it want to communicate what and in the way you expect it to?
> "Music is not a language. Every piece is like a rugged rock,
> with countless grooves and carved with drawings on the surface
> and beneath, which people decipher and interpret in a thousand
> different ways, none of them being the best nor the truest."
> (Xenakis)
> --
> __|__
> ___\_/___
> ___ Paulo Mouat
> |___| http://www.mp3.com/0010minimal
> |___|
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