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Re: [microsound] [ot] glitch and VHS

>Thank YOU!
>I was looking for that info but still haven't find it on the net!
>And do you know perhaps about artists that have used this?

I  experimented quite a bit with this in the 80s.  But not so much with
VHS.  I was using J format half inch black and white reel to reel machines.
At the same time other artists were working along similar lines: Built in
Ghosts, and Stephen Jones (from Severed Heads).
 Since it very often messes up the sync and the control track it is often
difficult to record.  Some field store TBCs can  be used (such as the
panasonic MX10) but many of them tend to freeze on the glitches.  Same with
alot of video capture cards.  A way around this is to shoot off a monitor.
Also with video the speed of the head drum and the capstan are very
precisely locked together.  So when the control track signal on the tape is
damaged the whole speed relation goes beserk. So if you have audio on the
tape it will speed up and slow down and generally go all over the place -
which can be very nice.

>ps: are you the guy of either-1?
yes ether-1.  Ether-2 is almost completed.  I will anounce it soon.
