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Re: [microsound] math
Ian Stewart? As in Ian "Does God Play Dice: The Mathematics of Chaos"
----- Original Message -----
From: "ian stewart" <artsonics@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 7:04 AM
Subject: re: [microsound] math
> pelagius pelagius:
> > Many people seem to confuse the model for the real thing. <
> this is exactly my point- simply because math can be used to model a small
> set of musical phenomena, this does not mean math has anything to do with
> what music is actually _about_. to make an analogy with another area,
> sentence construction in chomsky's generative grammar essentially comes
> to recursive functions, but outside of oulipo does anyone think math can
> help to explain what literature is about? similarly, math has little to
> about any of the questions i think are important to music. math isn't
> helpful in identifying a good cello performance, a memorable sound event,
> structures in brahms, poetics in gunter.
> the comment that led me to write about this in the first place was-
> Anechoic:
> >music was considered a manifestation of math way backin the time of the
> >Greeks...I persoanlly see no difference between the two <
> i may be misinterpreting this, but if it means, as i read it, that math
> music are the same, then drinfeld modular forms, heegner points on
> curves and zeros of the riemann zeta function all have something to do
> music. what? there are so many fundamental differences between math and
> music, their goals and their structures, that i remain very suspicious of
> any _profound_ connection between math and music. best,
> ian
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