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12.07.02 - Framework playlist

Framework is broadcast alternate Fridays on Resonance FM, 104.4 in London (UK), or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm GMT.
Next broadcast: 26.07.02 


Framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity
presented by Joel Stern and Patrick McGinley

I invited Jonathan Coleclough (whose name I was pleased to discover I've been pronouncing correctly all these years: rhymes with 'now' and not with 'cough') to join me this week and to bring along some selections of his own to play before the live set.  He then played a new piece, Halant, live, followed by a recording of a live duo with Aube earlier this year, and finished off with a live improvised duo with myself.  This Friday will feature a live performance by Japanese artist Sawako in the 2nd half of the show - hope you can tune in!

Again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings or field recording based composition.  We are also hoping to have live performances every show, so if you are in London please get in touch!  

31 Nevill Road
London N16 8SL


(artist / title / album / label)

Ora / Hollym / DAAC / Ora (UK, 1993)

Steve Tibbetts / Running / Safe Journey / ECM (Germany, 1984)

Kuwayama/Kijima / 01.06.16f / 01.06.16 / trente oiseaux (Germany, 2002)

GAL / lv,nv / Relisten / Intransitive (USA, 2001)

Jonathan Coleclough / Halant / live at Resonance FM

Jonathan Coleclough/Aube / untitled / recorded live in Osaka on 29.03.02

Jonathan Coleclough/murmer / untitled / live at Resonance FM