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Re: [microsound] markov anxiety
exactly true, but i never thought i'd hear it said on
the microsound list, for some reason.
how refreshing!
jai satchit anand . . .
love, phill.
--- anechoic <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > >Kim, I
know you've mentioned you're a practising
> Buddhist.
> >Do you have any comments on releasing attachment to
> >this external world especially music?
> very interesting question...since I am not a
> by-the-book buddhist not do I
> belong to any one sect or school of buddhism I
> mainly use it to maintain
> clarity...here is a scientific fact: we are NEVER
> fully aware of the
> present...we are always processing what *just*
> happened which registered
> via our perceptual apparatus...what we are doing
> during this delay is
> constructing a pattern based on past events and
> statistically predicting
> the future using this information...our brains are
> somewhat like higher
> order Markov chains...we tend to collect information
> from the world around
> us by taking in large sets of data and matching it
> to historical data...so
> this process produces a delay in our cognitive
> apparatus...meditation is
> the only thing that can move us into a very close
> approximation of the
> temporal present...this helps us 'wipe the
> windshield clean' so we can view
> the outside world with more clarity...a good
> byproduct of this is that we
> can better experience our enculturation as
> programming and step away from
> it a little...
> hope this doesn't read like hippy-shit! ;)
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