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Re: [microsound] minimal anxiety

Because music doesn't exist by itself and would not exist if humans didn'tcreate it.

Almost what I would say. Music exists as the relation between listener and sound. When David Fodel speaks of music created by the wind, this music would not exist were there not a listener to interpret it as such.

I mostly agree with what Andrei says about mathematical listening (when he says that it is "nonsensical" to hear equations and such in music). It's not entirely nonsense, but it's a very particular way of listening that few people practice (in a conscious way) and only suited to very specific musical works. I agree completely that the aesthetic rewards we get from music do not generally come from some underlying math.

As for the significance of mathematical compositional strategies (in minimalism, integral serialism, etc), this comes down to the production vs reception issue (or as Nattiez would have it, the poietic vs esthesic). If math is used to construct music, this does not make the music a priori mathematical. Since music exists as the relation between listener and sound, it is the listening strategy that determines whether mathematics is relevant. It is easy to use math in an entirely inaudible way (using inaudible frequencies , for example) and I would find it absurd to contend that such music is mathematical, in the absence of other mathematical relations.

A different question- is the idea of symmetry important to anyone making music? What does it mean in music?




Ian Stewart? As in Ian "Does God Play Dice: The Mathematics of Chaos"Stewart???-Christian <

No... not from a hotmail account! Not Ian "pianist for the Rolling Stones" Stewart either...

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