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Re: [microsound] send me sounds

sure that could be fun - 1/2 seconds compositions!
I can send you some, cdr or mp3?

Jonas Olesen

--- Joshua Schrei <josh@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm putting together a compilation for luaka bop
> records with tracks by
> safety scissors, pole, schneider TM, skist, to
> rococo rot, and others that
> will be coming out this september. The vinyl version
> will have some extra
> time left over so I thought I'd put together a small
> archive of sounds...
> blips, clicks, etc that people can sample from the
> vinyl and use however
> they choose. 
> I have many that I've generated myself, but I
> thought it would be
> interesting to put out an open call for sounds to
> this list. If anyone has
> SHORT .aiff or .wav files of blips, bass sounds,
> single synth notes, or
> anything else quirky and sample-able that they want
> to disperse far and
> wide, e-mail them to me at josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> jOSh
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