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26.07.02 - Framework playlist
Framework is broadcast alternate Fridays on Resonance FM, 104.4 in London (UK), or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm GMT.
(time zone converter: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/?h=8&mn=30&ap=pm&mo=8&d=9&y=2002&f=GB)
Next broadcast: 09.08.02
Framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity
presented by Joel Stern and Patrick McGinley
We aired slightly later this show, from 9:30 to 10:30pm GMT; I hope this didn't cause confusion for anyone trying to listen in (it was a surprise for us as well...). This coming week we're back to our normal broadcast time.
For this show I finally started to delve in to the material that you've been sending in - some really great stuff! I also played some of my own field recordings between tracks, underneath the commentary: the Brooklyn Bridge, a small marina in Massachusetts, crickets from the bedroom window in my mother's house... We finished the show with a wonderful live set from Sawako; look out for her 2 upcoming releases (on aesova and throat). This Friday I welcome Joel's return to the show; he's been away on tour but has now returned to us. No live performance this week, but in the works for the next couple months are possible live appearances by Rosy Parlane and Mattin, Nuuk, and others...
Again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings or field recording based composition. We are also hoping to have live performances every show, so if you are in London please get in touch!
31 Nevill Road
London N16 8SL
(artist / title / album / info)
Koura / osu (parts 5 + 6) / self-titled cdr / www.koura.us, brian@xxxxxxxx
Yannick Dauby / track 1 / Low Valley / www.yannickdauby.net, yannick.dauby@xxxxxxx
Big City Orchestra / track 1, extract / Bretagne / www.ubuibi.org, das@xxxxxxxxxx
Josh Russell / track 2, extract / Room D101 / www.lowercasesound.com, josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sawako / untitled / live at Resonance FM / homepage.mac.com/oto_s, hiyokotape@xxxxxxxxxxx