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sunday new genre

soggy greetings from the hausofouch

here's a brief late notice________

some UG regulars:
charles cohen,  caspar stracke, and myself (dL)
will be enacting a spontaneous realtime 'lectromedia
excursion this sunday as part of this very fun multimedia series
in an adorable little discobar in midtown...

starts early 6pm.... cool and dark inside, etc... we hit around 8...

event curated by Ei Arakawa... details below:


 sunday new genre
  at The WEB 40 E 58th Street   212-308-1546

SUNDAY  August 18th  Door Open 6:00


Four Special Performance 7:00 - 8:40

 1.  Dean Snell
Amoeba ( Generative Video/Musical Composition )
2.  Erico Villanueva with three dancers
Reverse it <work in progress> ( Dance with text & video )
3.  Respecto Montalban
The Harold ( Chicago-style long form improvisatory comedy )
4.  David Linton and Charles Cohen w/ Caspar Stracke
untitled ( Realtime improvisatory Electronic Audio Visual Performance )


Who is who?  (selected performers of August 18th)

Based in Philadelphia, <<Charles Cohen>>, has been composing and performing
electronic music since 1971.
He specializes in collaborative, cross disciplinary projects with theater,
dance, music, and media artists, and is
singularly interested in live performance and improvisation. His instrument
is the Buchla Music Easel, an extremely
rare integrated analog performance instrument obtained from synth pioneer
Don Buchla in 1976.

<<Caspar Stracke>> is a video artist , thingist , active member of the
anti-anti alias international (AAAI) and host of
the monthly video art forum STUDIO ONE (off-line) and LOSSLESS VIDEO
(on-line) http://www.videokasbah.net

<<David Linton>> is a electronic musician & soundscore designer who has been
active in various areas of  the NYC experimental music scene since the early
1980¹s.  Originally a percussionist, much of his work has developed in the
context of interart collaborations with a focus on Dance, Theater, &
  Since the mid 90¹s he has been a staunch advocate of realtime electronic
performance both as a performer and as producer/curator of such ground
breaking events as SoundLab and more recently UNIT¥GAIN.

Directed by Upright Citizens Brigade, <<Respecto Montalban>>'s ensemble
cast are some of the best Improvisatory
comedians working in New York City. Collectively the members of Respecto
Montalban have appeared on Fox?s Mad TV,
NBC?s Late Night with Conan O?Brien, MTV?s Beach House, Celebrity Death
Match, VH1?s Sledgehammer, TBS?s Burly TV,
Comedy Central, and a 3-D Bollywood Musical film.  Respecto Montalban
brings a clear sensibility to improvised comedy.
Never do it halfway. Break the rules. Make your mark. And do it quickly.
<<Dean Snell>> explores generative ideas with the music, video, the web,
graphics and in installations.  His compositions
and sound designs have been used in theatres in Seattle, Phoenix and New
York. Dean graduated from the Interactive
Telecommunications Program at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts in May of 2001
where he became interested in generative
art and the development of simple emergent systems and the marriage of
these with artistic visual and musical works.

<<Erico Villanueva>> has performed with Mark Dendy and Iris Schaccheri and
has been a soloist dancer in the work
of Theater Directors Julie Taymor, Michael Laub, Augusto Fernandez and
Henrick Wiernecker. His choreographic
work has been  presented in Berlin, Buenos Aires and Portugal. In NYC in
places such as DTW?s Fresh Tracks series,
Dixon Place, The Downtown Dance Festival,New Stuff @ PS122 and The Flea
Theater. His new production
?Reverse it? will be premiered at PS122 next October.


Door Open 6:00 Admission 3.00 + Suggested donation 2.00  IDM by Otomi   Bar
Open (ID required)

NOTE; Don?t miss this SNG! August 18th will be the last show for this
summer. We are planning next show in October.