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To whom it may concern:
Currently I am preparing a series of 4 concerts/performances and eventually
sound installations which will accompany an exhibition on contemporary art
of the Balkan, curated by Harry Szeemann (former Biennale di Venezia
director). This show entitled "Blut und Honig" ("Blood and Honey") will be
presented between May 15th - Sep 28th, 2003 at the Sammlung Essl in
I am searching musicians and composers from the Balkan who are engaged with
electronic music, (interactive) sound installations and live performances
and who have to capability to perform their works themselves (--- persons
acting as composer/performer).
"Balkan" here refers to the following countries: Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia,
Bosnia-Hercegovina, Macedonia (and all other parts of former Yugoslavia),
Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Turkey.
I am mostly interested in individuals or groups which are reflecting their
socio-cultural heritage into an contemporary language using electronic
media with/out acoustical instruments (preferably those instruments which
are also used in folk music, but without just reproducing it).
Dr. Karlheinz Essl
composition - performance - improvisation
Studio for Advanced Music and Media Technology (Austria)
iftaf: http://www.iftaf.org
gemuese: http://www.gemueseorchester.org