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Re: [microsound] song ID?
You sure it wasn't:
Donna Summer - On the Radio?
he he he
----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Sherburne" <psherburne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 3:38 PM
Subject: [microsound] song ID?
> someone just asked me to identify a minimalist composition. i've never
> it, but perhaps someone here has:
> he writes:
> "I remember hearing a song about 8 years ago that you might know the title
> and artist of. the song was entirely a capella, except the method was
> really fascinating. A man's voice would be used at six or different
> of normal conversation and he would repeat the same sentence for about a
> minute until the next sentence was selected and the harmony of
> would build up anew. The sentences were awkward; I only remember two:
> "There's a summer on the radio" and "There's a summer on the
> Please take a minute to try to remember these songs, because they should
> unearthed if they have since been hidden."
> Ring any bells?
> thanks,
> Philip
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