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RE: [microsound] how to write a vst?? Re: [microsound] AR models
Actually VST's are fairly straight forward if you can program in C/C++
You can get the SDK from here - its free but you have to give them your
details which is fair enough
The SDK comes with sample code so if you have DSP code in C you can
probably get it working pretty easily. There are various interface
- you can go the whole hog and do a GUI or just use the "string"
in which a fairly primative slider interface is autogenerated to control
the parameters of your choice. No Windows specific knowledge is needed
unless you really want to go to town on the GUI. The mailing list is
very helpful and very friendly to the beginner.
The other option is DirectX plugins - although DirectX can be a bit
if you get the SDK (from http://www.thedirectXfiles.com) you get lots
of sample/template stuff and they turn out to be as easy as VST's
Of course there are plenty of other things you can use for playing with
your algorithms - I use PD and there is of course that old chestnut
if you've got a mac.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dominick Baier [mailto:db@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 23 August 2002 12:53
To: 'microsound'
Subject: AW: [microsound] how to write a vst?? Re: [microsound] AR
some time ago there was a link on the steinberg.net site to the free vst
software development kit . but i can't find it anymore.
i'll do further investigations....
anyway, you have to be profound in ms visual c++, com and directx
programming (which includes atl) for the plugin infra-structure.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: daobra daloosh [mailto:daobra@xxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. August 2002 11:37
An: microsound
Betreff: Re: [microsound] how to write a vst?? Re: [microsound] AR
you could also join irc channel #musicdsp on EFnet for further
Actually does somebody knows
> > how to write a vst/plugin?? I mean: I have written some algorithms
> > and I would like to use them as plugins
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