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Re: [microsound] oval, takemura, fennesz... what else is glitch?

>yasunao tone, Wounded ManÔYo #38-9/2001
>cheers, ralph.
>ps: but i think the "else" in the question should be skipped...
>Boban Ristevski schrieb:
>> hi
>> i want to play some glitch and music with skipping cds
>> on radio, so i thought to play oval, fennesz, nobukazu
>> takemura.... what else?
>> all best
>> boban

yes, yasunato tone of course. also his "solo for wounded cd" on tzadik (1997).
and nicolas collins "it was a long and stormy night" (trace elements
records, 1992). there's a track for string quartet (soldier string quartet)
and modified cd player.
can't remember if the previous by collins (cfr. "100 of the world's most
beautiful melodies", out on the same label in 1989) had skipping cd's.
don't listen to it for a very long time (and no time to relisten to it now,
sorry). the sleeve says radio, tapes and his (in)famous trombone-propelled
electronics. anyway a must-have for cheap-electronics freaks (and there are
also ben neill, john zorn, christian marclay, tom cora etc. etc. as
guests). sad that probably these collins records aren't easy to find...
cheers :: nicola

ps skip the "else" from these ones too :-)

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z_e_l_l_e | nth | line (aug 2001)
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