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RE: [microsound] Max/MSP alternatives for the PC

[sorry for cross-posting]

Hi all, 

I've been creating music and patches for a long time with Reaktor, but
really I want to investigate the fourth generation modular languages like
Max/MSP; however I don't have a Macintosh at my disposal.

I've been recommended from various people the following options for PC:

PD (http://www.pure-data.org/)
JMAX (http://www.ircam.fr/equipes/temps-reel/jmax/en/index.php3)
OSW (http://osw.sourceforge.net/)
and of course Max/MSP for PC (when/if it happens)

Are there any others?

Unfortunately, I don't really have time to explore each to discover which I
should dedicate to learning, I'd like to hear what users have to say about

Apart from a general understanding of the overall differences between them,
I am particularly interested in:
1. Stability (I want the system to take the place of Reaktor in my live
performances, as I have found Reaktor unstable generally), particularly when
using multiple audio streams/processes
2. GUI - I find Reaktor unbelievably irritating in its lack of
modularity/inability to 'switch' modules etc., I know the applications above
all offer more, but I'd like to know how easy people have found them to use.
Aesthetics is important too.
3. User community - I also work with the Nord Modular, and very much
appreciate the online community that goes with it, and I'd like to be
working with other people in the same way.  However I'm not a hardcore
programmer, I'm unlikely to ever begin programming externals in C etc.
4. Connectivity - I do program for multimedia however, and I'd like to know
what possibilites there are/may be in the future to interconnect the audio
application and visual software (video, flash, director etc.)
5. Ability to create reliable standalone applications
6. Future possibilities

I know I'm asking a lot of detail here, but I'm sure I'm not the only person
in my situation, and others would also appreciate some info from experienced
users of these packages.

Thank you very much in advance
