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tonschacht tour hits louisville - sept. 7th

greetings friends :)

i've been putting together a show on september 7th and hope that you all can
make what looks to be a very pleasant and entertaining evening of musics.

the show will begin between 8 and 9 pm on saturday, sept. 7th at aslans how
gallery which is located at 1906 bardstown rd. next to where the original
wild and wooly location was.  the lineup from headliner to opener will be:

-a-musik sound system (opening and closing the evening)
-joseph suchy (playing both solo improvisational guitar and also a set with
  keenan lawler and misha feigin)
-keith fullerton whitman (performing material off his forthcoming debut
  album kranky records - home of labradford, low, and godspeed you black
  emperor - keith played here in april under his electronic pseudonym,
-shedding (connor of paden & parlour, solo electronic pieces accompanied by
  tim furnish manipulating images live)

all ages are welcome and the cost is $5...

some words by keith who helped arrange bringing over the good german folk...

"the a-musik sound system is georg odijk and wolfgang brauneis. georg
is the owner and proprietor of the a-musik shop and record label.
wolfgang is the owner and proprietor of the tonschacht label. he also
works at the a-musik shop. their dj sets are possibly the most
gratifying stream of consciousness performances we've seen. all over
the stylistic map.

joseph suchy is an improvising guitarist of note. he started
recording in the 70s and has blazed a remarkable, if strangely
undocumented-until-very-recently path into out-sound. releases on the
grob, entenpfuhl, tonschacht, and whatness labels have made him a
household name. keith-hrvatski is terrified to have to go on the same
stage as him.

keith-hrvatski has released two singles for the tonschacht label, one
as keith fullerton whitman (just released), one as hrvatski. his
debut album "playthroughs" will be released on kranky in october.

this tour celebrates the tonschacht label and the work of the a-musik crowd.
we're very honored to be hosting our friends during their first visit
to the united states."

if you're interested in reading further please check these sites out...

info: http://www.reckankomplex.com/tonschacht.html

photos: http://www.reckankomplex.com/kfwphoto.html#tonschacht

i apologize if some folks are disinterested, and if you consider this junk
mail please let me know and i'll take you off, but i figure i've only been
playing every few months so i thought there was little harm in making every
effort to get all my friends to check out what i view as very mindblowing

i hope to see you all there for what will be a fun evening...

paden / v. sirin split cd out now!!!

shedding . http://www.parlour.net/shedding .
parlour . http://www.parlour.net .
momo and voks . ON THE WAY .