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announcing: Everything (apologies for x-posting)

Hi all,

I apologize for cross-posting. I'm interested in starting an experiment.
I have some webspace (about 20 MB; generously donated by 8bitrecs.com)
and I would like to use it to present as broad a range as possible of
experimental digital audio, probably in pseudo-weekly editions. This
would act as a counterpart to centibel (http://centibel.vze.com; still
open to submissions, by the way) which aims for a relatively specific
aesthetic and stays online longer between editions. 

The purpose of this email is two-fold: 

1) to announce the first edition of this website which I am calling
Everything (online at http://everything.does.it and featuring works by
me, Hinterlandt and sound00) and 

2) to invite submissions by as many different artists as possible in as
many different genres as possible. The goal is to be as inclusive as
possible, so if you send me something, I'll probably put it up. 

I'm looking for: glitch, ditch, hitch, kitsch; microsound, nanosound,
picosound, macrosound, megasound, gigasound, terasound, maxisound,
anti-sound, nihilosound; field recordings, peeled recordings, sealed
recordings; lowercase sound, uppercase sound, mixed-case sound;
non-ASCII sound, Roman numeral sound; electroacoustic music,
electrospastic music, rhinoplastic music; experimental, experential,
ex-presidental; digital, post-digital, pre-digital,
neo-pseudo-anti-digital; databending, circuit-bending, cd-skipping,
cassette abuse, DVD's played at the wrong speed on a record player
upside-down; tape hiss, modem noise, anomalous shortwave-radio
transmissions, broken dot-matrix printers, improperly digitized
xylophone music, computer viruses converted into sound files, answering
machine messages in broken English (or any other language); injured
sound, inured sound, impure sound; sound art, found art, round art,
leaps-and-bounds art; microtonal, macrotonal, not-so-tonal,
post-hormonal; Deleuzian beats, poststructuralist basslines,
deconstructivist grooves, psychoanalytic tracker music, existentialist
techno; noise, poise, "boys with toys" and feminist critiques thereof.

If this sounds like you, please immediately mail me your work at:

#206A - 611 E. 7th Ave.
Vancouver, BC
V5T 1N9

Please don't email me sound files. I would be sad.

Thanks for listening. Email me offlist at
hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you have any questions. If you know
someone who might be interested in this call for works, please pass it



ph!L (t:h:o:m:s:o:n)

curator of c e n t i b e l : http://centibel.vze.com
and Everything: http://everything.does.it
personal website: http://www3.telus.net/thisisphil/

releases: synat on acidfake (macedonia)
scan on s'agita recordings(italy)
speaker/interlocutor on xenophony media (canada)


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