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The Disconnection Machine
Audio/Visual Live Performance:
The Disconnection Machine
Instrumental Version 1.0
Bernhard Loibner - Live Sound/Music
Tom Sherman - Video
13/09/2002, 9 pm
Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1
Graz, Austria
.. . . . .
THE DISCONNECTION MACHINE is a 60-minute audio-visual piece
integrating moving image by Tom Sherman and live sound/music by
Bernhard Loibner.
The original version consisting of a 3-channel video projection, live
sound and a partially improvised speech has been performed in
November 2001 at Jesuit Theater, Le Moyne College, Syracuse (NY) and
Elektra 2001, USINE C, Montréal (Canada).
This "instrumental version" combines the central video track of the
original piece with a live performance of the electronic sound track.
The video is composed entirely of images captured from publicly
accessible private web-cams. The music drives the listeners/viewers
through a social landscape populated by physically dislocated
individuals glued to their computer screens.
The performance is part of "ON SOMNOLENCY: Symptoms and Tendencies in
Contemporary Art and Culture", the continuous art project of three
artists-in-residence of Forum Stadtpark, Irma Stanaityte, Jurgita
Remeikyte and Alma Skersyte from Vilnius, Lithuania. The subject of
the seminar is to question one of contemporary phenomenon that links
to the aspects of tiredness, boredom, somnambulism, lost feel of the
real, etc.