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[reminder] tonight - Geneva

e.g.ø  .live


:..:. e.g.ø live at Analix Forever Gallery
   .. Geneva 12 September

:..:: A process of sound generation: 
   .. e.g.ø music with visual_artist Carlo Zanni 
                        ] http://www.zanni.org [
   .: From icon-portraits to sound 
           ] http://www.newnewportrait.com [
   :. during the opening of 'Italian Boys' exhibition
   :: 12 September 
      || h 18:00 - 20:00 
      || free admission

:.:.. Wi-fi available with 802.11b-compliant laptops
   .. wireless network open node provided by zanni.org
   .: Come with your laptop to join the network
   :. set your wireless card ssid = zanni.org

:.:.: Analix Forever Gallery
   .. 25, rue de l'Arquebuse
   .: Geneva, 1204 
   :. Switzerland
   :: http://www.artnet.com/analix-forever.html

:.::. http://eeegggooo.cjb.net

If you come with your laptop or 
with an empty CD you can get 
free e.g.ø & nooke sounds.