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geez'n'gosh nobody knows electric birds gradations mille plateaux
geez'n'gosh nobody knows mille plateaux
strange album. the music on 'nobody knows' is mixed
with something that sounds like gospel-church-singing
samples. i'd prefer if this music was instrumental, in
that case this might be one of the best 3 albums in
2002 year for me. separated from the voice samples,
the sound of this album is excellent, amazing sound
textures, complex and simple at the same time, a
little bit hectic doom atmospheres, playful and
improvised clicks'n'cuts. but even the words and
messages are coming from the background and are not
disturbing. everything seems to be a part of the
general a bit claustrofobic mood.
electric birds gradations mille plateaux
really great album, i like it much more than i
expected when i first heard it. 'gradations' is the
first electric birds aka mike martinez album i've
heard, but mike has few other releases before this
one, some of them on his own deluxe records. the sound
of this album is too simple at first, but as you
listen you figure out that all tracks are very much
different, mostly the rhythm changes, and then you're
starting to notice that many other things are
different in the tracks, but you can't notice that at
first, this music is like a complex simplicity. every
sound on this record fits perfectly in the electric
birds way of seeing things. i like this album in a
similar way i like andrey kiritchenko 00.00 album
released on autoplate. both albums end up sounding
like ambient music, without using only classic steve
roach or brian eno atmospheric sounds to achieve the
ambient atmosphere. 'gradations' is surprisingly great
"simple" album.
bob ski
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