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Re: antennae

kyle jones writes:

Okay flip flop, I re-read the original post better and I have to say that is not possible to just use your soundcard out to broadcast and you could not even encode in any consumer level audio appz (aka cubase, logic, protools) because your sound card and audio software could not handle the sample rates necessary to generate carrier frequencies in the broadcast range. You would need a transmitter, I know that there are several kits you can buy and build for under 50 dollars and if you can read schematics, then you could probably put one together with radio schack parts. Again, I don't claim to be an electrical engineer or the like, so if someone would like to prove my statements false, by all means I am quite curious, and would humbly accept the evidence.

Thank you and I am shutting up now,


Duh Egg on my face, I see now that the topic is encoding not broadcasting. Many Apologies.


kyle jones writes:

This am thing will work with say a delta 66 card(24bit 96khz)? How is that possible when your maximum playback can be 96 khz (which will play frequencies of at most 48khz) not anywhere close to 550kz that you would need as carrier. Maybe I am missing something and I will be the first to admit it but that doesn't make sense to me.

ben nevile writes:

i'm interested in shortrange radio broadcast (within a 20ft.x20ft.
room)...going to try to do all the encoding in software

AM is easy, just multiply your (mono) audio signal by a carrier wave
somewhere between 550 and 1300kHz. if your carrier is at frequency f you
will need to filter out all frequencies above nyquist-f if you want to avoid
aliasing. (nyquist is half of your sampling rate: 22kHz for most sound

the carrier you need to generate an FM signal can't be generated by a stock
audio card because it's in the MHz region. I don't know anything about
antennae but I'm sure there are schematics galore at your googletips.

bonne chance

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