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Re: [microsound] CDR Project : Call for Submissions: AntiWar Theme
Chris Bellevie <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
At the risk of receiving much hate mail...
Putting together a CDR compilation of material that
focuses on an antiwar theme and currently looking
for submissions, which can pretty much be anything
that clearly makes a call for 'no war'. Songs, cutups,
field recordings, recorded messages, etc are all
acceptable as long as they meet the requirement of
being clearly against war.
Everyone contributing to the compilation will receive a
copy. The idea is that from there, anyone who has a
copy can freely make their own copies to distribute for
free. I personally plan on handing out copies of the
finished CDR at antiwar events, appropriate local music,
stores and leaving copies at the local indymedia center
and will hopefully be able to make the compilation available
via the internet (high quality mp3s, possibly wavs).
I will also make a flier with information about the compilation
and any information contributors wish to include that will be
a companion to the CDR.
No one makes money (and I suppose if you distribute, you go in the
hole a little), but it's a way to express an antiwar opinion through
If interested in the project, send me an email. I would prefer to get
all submissions on CDR, but will accept high quality mp3s also.
There is no real deadline at this point, simply hoping that if anyone
is interested they will be able to submit as soon as possible.
Any questions, just let me know.
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i like very much this idea
i'm waiting for news
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