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Music from the Ocean

For those interested in my sonification and composition work my CD "Music 
from the Ocean" is now available at www.composerscientist.com/csr.html. 
Some of this music is featured on the recent Bremsstrahlung compilation. 
Write to me personally if you don't want to go through Paypal. Cheers!


 .  a888888:..--.
\\\ 8888888:`\   \        Bob L. Sturm
 \\\`Y888P'   \.  \       2535 Hacienda Drive
 =\\\_..' @ ^_ \   \      Santa Barbara, CA 93105
 `c\`-'  `-\'   \.  \     Unitversity of California, Santa Barbara
    \  \   <\  .'`  )     http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~sturm/
     \  \n   .'  ._/      http://www.composerscientist.com/
      \__|).\  ._/        http://www.mp3.com/BobLSturm
      `--: .-)_/