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ether-2 generative sound/graphics
Ether-2: http://radioscopia.org/ether2/ is an international compilation of
generative, random and permutative sound and animation pieces created in
flash with actionscript. The intention was to create more of an online
sound/music compilation rather than an interactive multimedia work. In
this respect contributors were asked to make their pieces non-interactive.
It was hoped that by excluding interactivity that the generative structure
of each piece, which is often quite subtle, could be more greatly
appreciated. Participants were also asked to limit their file size to less
than 100kB. This follows the low bandwith, access-for-all, ideology
adhered to in ether-1: http://radioscopia.org/ether1/
Participants include: ego, erational, Jonas Olesen, Daniel Javed, u.n.i.d,
Jason Nelson, Kurt Volentine, Isabel Aranda and Ian Andrews.
Ether-2 require the Flash 5 (or above) player plugin. It will not work
with the version 4 player. If the titles of the pieces flash by
continuously then you have an earlier player. Please update from
Thanks to all who participated in this project.
Ian Andrews