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Re: [microsound] what a brilliant record

wow nicola, thanks for the great link, this stuff sounds really interesting.  quick question though, where did you get a copy of this?  i'm looking all over the place for a retailer who sells this online but am having some difficulty (i live in the US).  there weren't any store links off the page you linked, or on the main page of the oozebap record label.  i check their distribution page but that ended up a dead end.  suggestions?



On Saturday, Sep 28, 2002, at 07:15AM, nicola catalano <catsed@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>it's "some nenu songs..." (ooze.bap) by un caddie renverse dans l'herbe.
>not microsound though: handle with care!
>the sleeve says: "file under: panafrobrazilian rhizomes meets robotica
>under a nenu silkworm orchestrated band"... wow!
>more info at http://www.oozebap.org/renverse
>cheers :: nic
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