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RE: [microsound] Dialtones - A Telesymphony
>It's not the famed premiere of Le Sacre, but I have one such recording
>of Cage's 12'55.6078", (recorded in 1954 at the Donaueschingen Music
>Festival), where you can hear people divided in two camps: those
>laughing on and on because of the strange sounds produced by the two
>prepared pianos, and those shouting "silence!" and hushing.
>This piece is an excerpt of 34'46.776", because the organizers persuaded
>Cage to reduce its length fearing the worst.
>Can provide mp3 excerpts if anyone's interested :-).
>>Paulo Mouat
and there's also "empty words pt. III" recorded at teatro lirico di milano
on dec. 2nd 1977 (issued on cd in 1990 on cramps records, don't know if
it's still available).
cage was sitting at a table in a lamplight, reading words and phonemes from
the "diary" of h.d. thoreau while some thoreau meagre and flittering
drawings were projected on a screen. and you can easily hear the reaction
of the audience (mainly composed from members of the student movement of
the time), from invectives to nearly physical aggression (cage glasses were
knocked off, he was blindolded, his lamp was switched off and finally some
bangers were exploded at his feet!). everything is documented in the two
discs with an extensive booklet with photos, texts and notes (in italian,
english and french) by cage himself, umberto padroni and gianni-emilio
simonetti, one of the most intelligent italian situationists.
i would like to conclude this message with his words: "the death throes of
wisdom started on the day on which interrogating oneself became fruitless
due to the fact that in the logic of domination there is no answer that is
not pre-packaged by cultural and political fashions. thus everything is
easier: "empty words for an empty world" - le meilleur est encore a venir!"
chhers :: nic
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