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NEW: p.org composer comps 1 & 2

Possible cross-posting ahead...  ¡¡ Apologies given !!											
available October 11th (this Friday):															
various artists - phonography.org (compositions using field recordings) 1
& 2. 										
Diverting from the on-going compilation series dedicated to various kinds
of sound captures, the international online group known as
phonography.org presents two collections of acousmatic soundworks by some
of it's members. 																	
The first collection includes works by: 												
Marcelo Radulovich, Doug Haire, Shawn Wilbur, Cornucopia, Anders Östberg,
Andrew Hayleck, Doug Van Nort, Ben Owen, Glenn Bach, Edward Ruchalski,
Toby Paddock, Anode, Quiet American, Rod Stasick, Marc McNulty, and Heath
The second collection includes works by:															
Murmer, Rob Rowlands, Jon Tulchin, Dale Lloyd, Cal Crawford, Yannick
Dauby, Gydja, v.v. (Ven Voisey), Bill Thompson, Cedric Peyronnet
(Toy.Bizarre), The Beige Channel, sawako, and Josh
Each release will be $8.00 (check, money order, or PayPal) and includes
shipping within the US only. Shipping to Canada and Mexico is $1.00 for
1-2 items. Shipping to all other countries would be $2.00 for 1 item and
$2.80 for 2 items. 																	
Advance orders will be accepted. Currently, orders can be placed via
PayPal through and/OAR:  http://www.and-oar.org/  															
or contact me: dkl37@xxxxxxxx for payment with a check or M/O.
If you made it this far in the e-mail, thanks for your time and
All the best, Dale												
Dale Lloyd:  http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html                       



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