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Re: microsound Digest 12 Oct 2002 14:34:38 -0000 Issue 665

I have been having great luck with Pulsar Generator for microsound
composition. It is the software that Curtis' book is based upon. It is
really the closest i have come to microsound composition and anything
pertaining to this list i have joined and enjoyed for a while.

but more recently I have been focusing some attentions towards what is
defined at least by Roads as micro-sound composition by using a suite of
wonderful FFT and PVC algorithims, called PVNation for OSX. I am currently
using them within pd for sound-morphing etc...being controlled by a nifty
thingy dingy called a zendrum. two specific algorithims
smith and wesson seem to be able to randomly generate .001 sound event >>to
..01 which i think might qualify as microsounds

Anyone else using OSX free-bsd audio commandline apps for microcomp?

here is a link to a project thing
