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Framework - live events (London & webcast)

Hi all - Here's an announcment for 2 upcoming events hosted by our show on London's Resonance FM (sorry if you get this more than once).  As usual, the radio broadcast will be webcast, for those of you further afield.  For those of you in the London area: we hope to see you there!  Please come up and say hello...


FRAMEWORK presents:

Two live collaborative events of phonography / field recording placement and manipulation with:

Michael Northam
Jonathan Coleclough
Colin Potter (Monday only)
Joel Stern
Patrick McGinley

1st: Friday, 25th October, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
A Framework Special Edition, live on Resonance FM, 104.4 FM (London, UK) or webcast from www.resonancefm.com (worldwide).
(time zone converter: www.worldtimeserver.com/?h=7&mn=00&ap=pm&mo=10&d=25&y=2002&f=GB)

2nd: Monday, 28th October, 9:00pm
Framework's first concert presentation, live at Hoxton Hall Arts Centre, 130 Hoxton St, London N1, UK.  £7/£5 concs.  Box Office: 020 7739 5431
(more venue info from: www.hoxtonhall.co.uk) 

For any more information please contact us at framework@xxxxxxxxxxx  Please forward this on to anyone who might be interested!

Artist info:

Nomadic musical 'composter' Michael Northam weaves together complex but simply generated sonic material into sound works that are disconnected from distinct associations. These complex sonic lattices explore the suspension of time and the poetic potentials of sound. He has presented sound art, improvisation, composition and installations throughout Europe and North America. His most recent solo CDs include ':coyot:' and 'From within the Solar Cave'.  preg.org/~mnortham/

Jonathan Coleclough builds epic dronecore from both the sounds of our shared environment and recordings of more conventional instruments, all twisted and layered into shimmering, sometimes ecstatic music full of tension. Tension between consonance and dissonance, activity and stasis, the raw and the processed, noticeable and imperceptible change. He has collaborated and performed with other musicians, visual artists, and Butoh dancers in the UK, USA, Australia and Japan. His recent CDs include 'Cake' and 'Period' (solo), and 'Low Ground' (duo with Colin Potter.)  www.minya98.freeserve.co.uk

Colin Potter has worked as musician and sound engineer with Nurse With Wound, Current 93, Ora, Monos, and Kiln, as well as a solo artist. A technological alchemist, he creates sounds that were never meant to be: relentless rhythms and rolling drones, steam engines lost in space, galleons passing in electric fog, static in the flowers. His recent CDs include 'The Man with the Woman Face' (Nurse with Wound), 'Nightfall Sunshine' (Monos), 'And Then' (solo) and 'Low Ground' (duo with Jonathan Coleclough.)  www.i-c-r.freeserve.co.uk

Joel Stern is an Australian artist based in London working with concrete sound, electronics and free improvisation. Over the past two years he has performed regularly in London and throughout Europe. He is currently participating in the sound art exhibition 'Variable Resistance' at the San Francisco MOMA. Joel is involved with London's ResonanceFM as both a program maker and as a producer. His recent CDs include a piece on the Touch Records compilation 'Ringtones' and his first solo cd 'unplugged/jodphur', released by new London label Twothousandand.  www.twothousandand.com

Patrick McGinley is an American musician and theatre artist now based in Europe. His work as murmer concentrates on framing sounds from our environment which normally pass through our ears unnoticed and unremarked, but which out of context become unrecognisable, alien and extraordinary: crackling charcoal, a squeaking escalator, a buzzing insect, or one's own breath. Using his collection of found sounds and field recordings, he has composed for theatre performances, including the works of his own company, as well as performing live. His recent recordings include a piece on the compilation LP 'Chaleur' and his solo CD '. m u r m e r'.  www.phonography.org/phonographers/m.htm