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Aerial Lines @ Galerie Haferkamp
Ed Osborn Aerial Lines - New Works in Sound and Video
Reception: 25. October, 7 pm
Exhibition: 26th October - 7th December 2002
Opening hours: Tu- Fr. 2- 7 pm, Sa. 12-3 pm
Gallery Rachel Haferkamp presents a solo show of Ed Osborn. The show
title, "Aerial Lines." refers both to light movements of his kinetic
sound sculptures and to motions found in several of his video pieces.
His sounding artworks demonstrate a visceral sense of space,
aurality, and motion combined with a precise economy of materials.
Ranging from rumbling fans and sounding train sets to squirming music
boxes and delicate feedback networks, Osborn's kinetic and audible
pieces function as resonating systems that are by turns playful and
oblique, engaging and enigmatic. On view will be the kinetic sound
installations "Swing Set" and "Tall Poppies", and the video pieces
"Flyover", "Layover", and "Arena."
This exhibition presented In cooperation with «singuhr - hoergalerie
in parochial», Berlin and Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken.
22.nd October, at 7.30 pm
Venue: Kunsthochschule für Medien (Academie for Arts and Media Cologne)
Aula im Overstolzenhaus, Rheingasse, 50667 Köln
Ed Osborn will discuss his work in installation, sound, and media
art, including a recent project dealing with visual representations
of Antarctica.
Presented by Galerie Rachel Haferkamp in cooperation with
Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln & der Kölner Gesellschaft für Neue
23rd October, at 8.30pm
Venue: Gallery Rachel Haferkamp, Eigelstein 112, D-50668 Cologne
Admission 7.50 ¤
Ed Osborn performs several works for live electronics and video
including "Jarina Range", an oblique elegy for aging surfers, and
"Double Back Remix", a live remix of an early-morning slow ride in
East Berlin.
Ed Osborn is a sound artist, composer, educator, and sound designer
who has performed, exhibited, lectured, and held residencies in the
United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America. His
sounding artworks take many forms including installation, sculpture,
radio, video, performance, and public projects. He was included in
the 2000/1 DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program, been a Guggeneheim Fellow,
and in 2002 was a Guest Professor at the Hochschule für Grafik und
Buchkunst, Leipzig.
Gallery Rachel Haferkamp (www.rachelhaferkamp.de) is the only
specialized gallery for audio-visual arts in Cologne. The gallery
presents programs of intermedia projects as well as concerts of new,
experimental, and electronic music. Gallery director: Hanjo
Scharfenberg; Curator: Georg Dietzler.
Gallery Rachel Haferkamp, Eigelstein112
D-50668 Cologne, Germany
phone +49 221 1393259
Ed Osborn
Oakland / Berlin