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Re: [microsound]REvised influence vs. replica
let me try to make this question as simple as possible as people tend to go
off on tangents,
ie: hiphop, in its creation it was a new type of music,, and yes it used
previous recorded material via sampling to create the music but the vocal
technique was completely new (to my knowledge) and had never been presented
as a form of singing. do you think it is possible that for the creation of
a new ART, MUSIC, etc,,, ?
and as far as genetic engineering on animals i think its an atrocity. splice
as much shit as you want with humans but i think animal experimentation is
completely unacceptable! and should result in the torture and death of the
scientist doing the research!
current location:los angeles
po.box 292045 los angeles, ca 90029
> Rabbits and jellyfish are received forms, granted. But to conceive of
> genetic engineering as an artform strikes me as a NEW art never before
> possible. Rabbits and jellyfish are not artistic in-and-of-themselves,
> insofar as they were not ARTificially created but are forms out of nature.
> The phosphorescent rabbit on the other hand is created as an artificial
> lifeform through a technological process of gene-splicing.
> If you're talking about the creation of NEW art without any reference to
> prior forms, artistic, natural or otherwise, how is that even possible? I
> can't even conceive of such a situation.
> -=Trace
> >
> > I stated in the initail post, is is possible to create NEW art with out
> > using two existing forms,,, a bunny and a jellyfish have already been
> > created,,, and the invention of the bunnyfish that stings you and glows
> > the dark is merely a by product of OLD forms.
> >
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