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Re: Recent empreintes DIGITALes releases: opinions, recommendations?
>So, can anybody offer some recommendations/opinions/comments? What rocked
>your boat in the recent crop of eD releases?
ahh, i'm very partial to the british composers... jonty harrison, denis=20
smalley, adrian moore, & now natasha barrett... i enjoy the somewhat=20
documentary approach that they share, very close to the source material,=20
with very purposeful sound processing. the jonty harrison (_=E9vidence=20
mat=E9rielle_) is particularly recommended in my book by virtue of including=
the piece _klang_ (1982) which is one of my favourite EA/acousmatic pieces=
ever. once again a wonder of beautiful simplicity. the newer smalley=20
(_sources/sc=E8nes_) also contains 2 of his more classic pieces: _tides_=20
(1984) & _pentes_ (1974)... i like that CD more than his previous one=20
(_impacts int=E9rieurs_) which was a bit too 'ambient' for my picky taste.
i really like gilles gobeil's _dans le silence de la nuit_, & it seems like=
a lot of people do. rollercoaster rides of soundpunches... very cinematic=
& even frigtening! i also enjoyed yves beaupr=E9's _humeur de facteur_,=20
which is honestly not so far in sound from a bona fide 'microsound'=20
approach. great sounds on this one. on the other hand, the john young CD,=
which is basically a feast of granular synthesis, unfortunately seemed a=20
bit single-minded to me in comparison. another nice one is arturo parra's=
collaborative CD... not only do you get to hear gobeil, normandeau,=20
dhomont & others, but the accompanying guitar part is really good, & it's=20
been merged into the work very expertly.
the next batch of eD releases should be coming in the next months,=20
including a new CD by ake parmerud! this is really not to be missed.
here, my (perhaps) biased comments,
have a nice day
~ david