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Re: [microsound] who is nn? who is cb?
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while i will agree that a certain prison like forced online transvestiture has populated chat rooms around the world with '17 year old girls' who are really 35 year old men, there is something else going on as well. recent years have seen a great proliferation of virtual women of all sorts. even hollywood has got on the trend with the film simone. digital artists are cranking out the pinups and it is entirely likely that the majority of pr0n will be completely digital in ten years.
or nn can be seen as a lady liberty of sorts. a pretty face more likely to win converts to the cause than a pasty computerer. an abstraction instead of a real constructed persona.
while many would point to this as a contemporary phenomenon (men estranged from women via technology) the ancient greek story of pygmalion and galatea (http://www.dl.ket.org/latin1/mythology/3fables/love/pygmalion.htm) seems to show that this is a timeless phenomenon. there's some aspect of he tinkering man's personality that wants to build a perfect woman (as opposed to finding the perfection present in an already extant woman). see also weird science.
The pHarmanaut <pharmanaut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Doesn't it speak to the overwhelming scarcity of female artists working in
this genre that we have male artists resorting to a kind of virtual
transvestite marketing scheme of creating these ultra-cool,
super-heroine/villainess alter-identities?
----- Original Message -----
From: "scissors for sparrow"
To: "microsound"
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] who is nn? who is cb?
> as a matter of trivia, the phrase from below -- "a critic of capitalism
> fascism, as well as a capitalist and a marketer" -- used to describe
> netochka nezvanova is strikingly similar to the following, taken from
> http://members.chello.se/mitek/mitek6cd.html, referring to claudia
> "Claudia Bonarelli is an artist, car thief and a cultural terrorist.a
> critic of capitalism and fascism, as well as a capitalist
> and a marketer."
> curiously, this page continues as follows:
> "But who is Claudia, really? No one knows for sure, Is she one person with
> multiple identities? A female Italian artist, a male Swedish musician or
> Eastern European collective conspiracy?"
> i wonder about two things. who plagiarised whom? and... is it suddenly
> trendy to create ambiguous and secretive identities which could in fact be
> commandeered by subversive artistic collectives? the problem with such
> ambiguity is that when it's played up, it relies on people actually caring
> in order to remain purposeful.
> >March 1, 2002 | For someone who does not exist -- at least the way you
> >or I do -- Netochka Nezvanova has a fearsome reputation. She's a gifted
> >computer programmer and polemicist, an artist and a pain-in-the-ass, a
> >critic of capitalism and fascism, as well as a capitalist and a marketer.
> http://home.pacific.net.au/~transmit
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