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Re: [microsound] who is nn? who is cb?

It certainly brings up a lot of issues regarding identity.  Chat rooms 
notwithstanding (another issue totally which is kind of icky), if you are 
going to be "virtual," where your presence is a Web-based persona, and your 
music is available only through mp3's, then I guess you can choose your own 
gender.  Also, what does a name identify? - you could be a male and be named 
Vivian in the UK, or Maria in Germany and it's "ok," but a boy named Sue 
could have trouble in the US.  Of course, there are notable exceptions, 
Marilyn Manson and Alice Cooper.  Then, there's the Esther Brinkman 
phenomena, where a name is adopted as a tribute.   It may also be that on the 
Internet, gender can be more easily a spot on a continuum, rather than an 
either/or proposition which most of us encounter in "real life" situations.  

What's in a name anyway, Wagon Christ is not, in fact, a wagon.

(I hope this doesn't result in another rash of "I can name at least 2 female 
electronic musicians" posts, as in the past.)


