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Re: [microsound] Max is lame 'cause you cant save : )

> > is there anyone on this list who doesn't use max/msp?

Yes, myself and alot of other people, although sometimes I make use of 
lloopp. The Nord micro modual is used by alot of folks, no one ever mentions 
that. But I think when ever software threads flame up, like a bad case of 
herpes, people have to talk about max/msp which will lead to NATO/NN. I 
think the no-feed mixing desk thing is brilliant. Or steve rodens work with 
contact mikes and effect pedals. Why not make microsound with real gear? Or 
even a simple DR. sample, most msp patches just loop files in odd ways, or 
pull files at random, latley I have become interested in work that has alot 
of time invested into the mix of elements in that kinda way that a program 
like protools allows, for very decisive moves and percise grid alignments. 
but I dont mean to sound shitty about live improve, I think thats where max 
excels. Also it seems limiting yourself to one program is tunnel minded. 
Learning to speak a different language is much like seeing the world in a 
different way. Making microsound with a program like Buzz is like seeing the 
world in a different way than in a patch like lloopp. Both will yeild 
totally different results. You can be an asshole and say your sound out of 
max is better than the sound out of buzz, but I am afraid you would then 
become a fool.

> > should this list be rechristened something with max/msp in the title?

Please, no, its not about max/msp or post digital (as much as kim say's, no 
slag kim, I dig your point of view, but its not the only one, remember 
pluralism, we live in a world of multiple view points) its about a way of 
perciving sound and composing. And taking a more open minded approach to 
microsound keeps it fresh and interesting, the last thing I want to hear is 
an endless group of people improving with max/msp only. Keep it real, keep 
it fresh, experiment, get a shity old PC to go with your mac, so much 
interesting software exists for the PC. One is not better than the other. 
Spend time thinking about concepts, ideas, not just sounds. consider spaces, 
consdier other things than just a modular patch. I think Fennesz said in a 
wire interview "I dont want to hear someone's patch, I want to hear the 
music" -give or take, qoute from memory.

> > can there be microsound without max/msp?

Yes, there is plenty of it all around you. As many people will argue against 
on this list, microsound is not limited to the idea of post-digital. But the 
computer makes things much faster and studios much smaller. I would suggest 
listening to Taylor dupree or Richard Chartier, a little hampster told me 
they use other programs.

-scott "cant save in max" allison

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